We normally meet every second Tuesday of the month for talks and demonstrations from 7:00pm onwards at BCB Radio in February, May, August and November and online in other months.
Why not come along to a meeting?
Until the start of the pandemic in 2020, some of us used to create IT Stuff for BCB Radio (106.6 FM). Shi has looked back on this for us.
David Fisher and Jeff introduced HTML5, saying that it was estimated that HTML5 will only receive full approval in 2022 because W3C standards now require full compliance from two browsers.
What's Actually New in HTML and What Isn't in it at all
Unsurprisingly, they often got the wrong end of the stick; misled by corporate PR hyping browser and platform capabilities with only indirect relationships to HTML5.
As a consequence, both end-users and coders may be forgiven for conflating clever graphical tricks in CSS3 and JavaScript with HTML5. As may the multimedia professionals who mistakenly believe that HTML5 is some kind of H.264-based Flash-killer.
This talk attempts to clarify what HTML5 actually aims to do, what browsers can currently do with it, and what a wider range of software could potentially do with it.
The talk will identify the evolutionary and revolutionary differences between HTML5 and the current standards for HTML and XHTML. In so doing, it should enable both web developers and open source advocates to get a better grasp of the decisions and conflicts that lie before them.
Mailing List
The mailing list is kept up to date with all the details about the meetings, socials, ideas, and questions.
BradLUG at mailman.lug.org