We normally meet every second Tuesday of the month for talks and demonstrations from 7:00pm onwards at BCB Radio in February, May, August and November and online in other months.
Why not come along to a meeting?
Until the start of the pandemic in 2020, some of us used to create IT Stuff for BCB Radio (106.6 FM). Shi has looked back on this for us.
David C welcomed people to the meeting and shared the The Cycle of Change.
David C welcomed people to the meeting noting that people continue to sign up; there are now about 30 people on the list. The monthly meeting on a Wednesday had ten people at its last meeting; the Friday pub meeting had six.
Mailing List
The mailing list is kept up to date with all the details about the meetings, socials, ideas, and questions.
BradLUG at mailman.lug.org