We normally meet every second Tuesday of the month for talks and demonstrations from 7:00pm onwards at BCB Radio in February, May, August and November and online in other months.
Why not come along to a meeting?
Until the start of the pandemic in 2020, some of us used to create IT Stuff for BCB Radio (106.6 FM). Shi has looked back on this for us.
Alice told the story of privacy and the Web. In the beginning, ownership was confined to a few with most people in serfdom; then mortgages allowed people to begin to own things. In computing, one started with the mainframe where you didn’t own anything; then people got PCs which allowed them to own the hardware but not the code; Linux allowed people to own the hardware, the code and the data. With Web 2.0 you once again don’t own the hardware or the code or even your data; with the cloud you don’t own the hardware. In future IPv6 will be able to be used as ID numbers.
History is a useful tool for helping us find out why we do what we do today. If it we’ren’t for Unix, there’d be no GNU/Linux.
We started with a demo of Google’s ChromeOS, (built from the recently released source), by both Dick and Wayne. we saw a machine boot up to a login screen that uses your googlemail details to get straight into a familiar Google Chrome browser. And that’s about it – for people that live on line.
Lorna Mitchell gave us a introduction to ‘web services’, and some idea about how to go about consuming them using PHP as your language of choice. This was run through of the talk she’s due to give at the PHP Barcelona Conference on the 30th/31st October. She can describe it better than I can….
John demonstrated Xfig which provoked some interest but also dislike of the interface.
Mike talked about FreeSWITCH, a rewrite of the Asterisk code which, when combined with a billing package, can provide an alternative. Currently people are restricted to Skype and Gizmo [no longer available] as there aren’t many subscribers to open systems or gateways between the different providers.
This month Bernard Czenkusz, of Skipole Networks gave us an introduction to the popular programming language Python
With the abscence of a speaker/presentation we went for a ’show and tell’ session with people spending roughly 5-10 mins showing the rest of us something good!
Mailing List
The mailing list is kept up to date with all the details about the meetings, socials, ideas, and questions.
BradLUG at mailman.lug.org