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Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 6 minute read )
Tomboy can be used for multiple note taking and then all the separate notes are available, in a list, for you to consult.

Images and photographs

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 4 minute read )
Images, whether graphics, figures or photographs, can be included in almost anything a voluntary organisation produces from newsletters and manuals to a website.

May 25th 2011 - Open source, intellectual property and all that jazz – the MIT licence

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
Robert concluded his presentation on IP law by looking at US, European and UK law and taking a detailed look at the structure and content of the MIT licence. Members digested the news that Linus is thinking of starting kernel 3.0.0, John summarised where we are with the FOSS articles for Bradford CVS and invited contributions and Nick introduced the Raspberry Pi computer: http://www.raspberrypi.org/

April 27th 2011 - Open source, intellectual property and all that jazz

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
Robert took us through the first part of his presentation on the legal fiction of IP covering copyright, patents and trademarks pointing out that IP law is framed by lawyers for publishers to maximise investor returns and imposed on consumers, producers and distributors. John then introduced the Cabinet Office survey on open source standards which is very much aimed at integrators rather than individual users and David demonstrated Quantum GIS.

Desktop publishing

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 3 minute read )
Most voluntary organisations need to advertise themselves, publish information or produce newsletters. Often using an Office suite or Microsoft Publisher is enough. But what if these don't give quite the polished finish you want? Enter Scribus.

March 30th 2011 - KDE 2000

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
John demonstrated KDE 1.2 from 2000 comparing applications as they were in 2000 with what they look like today. Download: KDE 2000 Presentation (.odp 0.8MB) There were some other things we did at that meeting, can you remember what?

Document Freedom Day

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 4 minute read )
Document Freedom Day on March 30th is a celebration of the progress towards a permanent open standard for documents.

February 2011 - IPV6, BGP and BAS

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
[BAS = Bursting At the Seams] 36 people packed out the meeting last night to hear a really good talk about 'how your mother will never notice' as the internet infrastructure makes the switch from IPV4 to IPV6. Andy Davidson of Hurricane Electric gave the talk, and a demo of their IPV6 Tunnel Broker that people can use to try the IPV6 net. Anyone got any plans to do something locally on World IPV6 Day, 8th June 2011?

Feb meeting

Posted by Wayne ( 1 minute read )

This months meeting we will be welcoming Andy Davidson Of Hurricane Electric to the LUG to give us all a primer on IPv6 and also for those of us that want to a practical example of what its all about. This kind of goes without saying but if you want to get the most out of it you might want to bring a laptop!

Publicise the LUG

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
BradLUG Poster If you fancy, you could publicise the next meetings of BradLUG with this handy pdf poster. Created by our very own Wayne, please feel to download and distribute. I guess if you'd like to get a copy of the file that made it, you should mail him - I reckon he'd be happy to share.