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Databases and storage

Posted by John R Hudson ( 4 minute read )
At the start of the PC era, computers had so little memory or storage that programmers had to use all sorts of tricks to fit the data in.

Five free software favourites

Posted by John R Hudson ( 3 minute read )
I first used a computer to produce documentation over thirty years ago but my first experience of free software was just over ten years ago ...

Festive Food Fight 2011

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
Dec. 16th, 7:30pm. We're going for the same idea as last year. 2 meals to choose from at separate places. Then all meet up afterwards at the Corndolly pub. Your choice is the Sir Titus Salt (Wetherspoons) or Omar Khans. Please fill in the doodle to help us get something booked: http://www.doodle.com/rywupdthb3ya52vq See you there.

November 26th 2011

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
In the last meeting of 2011... Dave S showed us some of the documents in the Barnes & Noble dispute with Microsoft over infringement claims. Interesting stuff. There was then a bit of discussion about the Apple v's Samsung dispute in Australia.

October 26th 2011

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
Nigel showed the video of RepRap, the 3D self-replicating printer: http://reprap.org/wiki/Main_Page Alice demonstrated Munin, which provides updates every ten minutes of the performance of a server: http://munin-monitoring.org/ and also Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA), a php/mysql tool for testing website vulnerabilities. http://www.dvwa.co.uk/

Websites and HTML5

Posted by John R Hudson ( 4 minute read )
Any voluntary organisation trying to maintain a website has two main problems: making sure it will work on any browser and keeping the content up-to-date. The arrival of HTML5 makes both these tasks easier.

3rd Birthday Meeting, Sept 2011

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
BradLUG Third birthday cakes

Happy Birthday to us, and thanks (once again) to Andrea for the baking. Yum!

September 28th 2011 - 3rd Birthday Meeting

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
Doesn't time fly? BradLUG (BradGNU/LUG?) is now 3 years old. It's one of those "queen's birthday" things as September has been chosen as the official marker of the years. John has produced this graphic to try to illustrate the different things that have happened in that time. You can download a higher pdf version if you'd like to give a closer inspection. Three years of Bradlug As for September's meeting. We're just discussing that. As ever, your biggest conundrum is to work out whether or no the talk of cake is a lie! Download: Third year of Bradlug

31st August 2011 - Darktable, buses, desktops and HTML5

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
David Spencer presented Darktable, which does similar things to DigiKam, Shotwell and F-Spot but generally does them better. Its key feature is that the original photos remain untouched; instead Darktable manipulates a history stack of changes, including changes to the metadata, which can then be exported elsewhere....

July 27th 2011 - Distros, Raspberries, and Microsoft

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
A select group discussed distributions, including Galpon Minino, a Debian based Spanish distribution which will run on old computers and their version for children ( http://gruvi.galpon.org/minino/miscelanea/PicarOS.avi) and the Turkish produced Pardus distro (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viEQ-DWxX50), progress with Raspberry Pi (http://www.raspberrypi.org/), due out in November, and setting up Myth TV.