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GIMP: the FOSS Photoshop

Posted by John R Hudson ( 3 minute read )
GIMP, or the GNU Image Manipulation Program, is the FOSS alternative to Photoshop.

LyX: the document processor

Posted by John R Hudson ( 7 minute read )
Most voluntary organisations do not need to produce high quality reports, papers or even books but, for those who do, the best software for the past twenty years has been the free software LaTeX, particularly if their reports or papers need to have references, indexes, formulae or high quality images.

Web developments: time to update?

Posted by John R Hudson ( 6 minute read )
The arrival of Windows 8 RT in tablets and on mobile ’phones on October 26th and the announcement that Orange and T-Mobile have been given the go-ahead to offer 4G mobile ’phones raises the premium on HTML5.

The cost of cybercrime

Posted by John R Hudson ( 4 minute read )
A new report on the cost of cybercrime commissioned by the MoD suggests that we should spend a lot less on prevention and a lot more on detection.

IT Stuff: 7th February 2013

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
This month's show covers: Going Linux: http://distrowatch.com http://www.ubuntu.com Spoof Web Site  http://mens-life-health.co.uk/muscle/testo.html www.tineye.com Keyboards  News  Ubuntu rolling release? Ubuntu Phone http://www.ubuntu.com

January 21st 2013 Raspberry Pi Winners, LMMS and CLI

Posted by John R Hudson ( 2 minute read )
Kriss and Shi introduced the co-operative Spies vs Ghosts game they had devised for the Raspberry PiRaspberry Pi Hack Day.

November 28th 2012 FabLab, Centos and CLI

Posted by John R Hudson ( 1 minute read )
David C gave us a photographic tour of Airedale Fab Lab and suggested that we should organise a trip there one Saturday.

October 31st 2012 CLI, GIMP and more

Posted by John R Hudson ( 1 minute read )
Andy kicked us off with a look at GIMP 2.8 and some of the new features. We also got a demo on using the GIMP to produce simple web graphics and for photo enhancement. There was some interesting discussion about how this versions allows GIMP to look and feel more like Photoshop, but also about how the integration of Photoshop into the Adobe suite of tools means that, while GIMP can easily create print ready artwork, hard core Photoshopers are still not likely ot make the switch. Gimp 2.8 is not available in some distros, so the PPA for Ubuntu 12.04 (also works on Mint 13 (Maya) is: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-gimp-2-8-2-in-ubuntu-12-04-precise.html David gave us the 4th instalment in his series on the introduction to the command line. Alice pre-empted much of his talk as becoming customary, and as usual, 'we all learned something' Downloads:

September 26th 2012: Testing Testing

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
Alice showed us how to use Selenium to record actions on a webpage and turn them into tests. These are the links you need: Some talk about Cuttlefish: https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/cuttlefish/  - which will adapt your environment to your changing circumstances. Dave continued his command line talk which was NOT called the Human Centipede, but had a lot to do with pipes. Also it was our Birthday. Thanks to Richard for the Cake (it was not a lie!).

August 29th 2012 Commandline, HTML and CSS

Posted by John R Hudson ( 1 minute read )
David pointed out that in Unix everything is either an operation or something being operated on. The things being operated on are files in the filesystem which he pointed out resembles the humble potato.