Brian, John, David, Shi, Kriss and Yoghurt took part in a Jitsi meet.
Brian demonstrated the Paperwork which allows you to store documents in any format, including image formats, and then search (for) them using the inbuilt OCR which gives it an advantage over purely text based search engines.
John had been looking over the HTML and CSS documentation; within HTML there had mainly been consolidation and clarification, particularly of server side Javascript. Perhaps the most important development had been the publication of detailed instructions for the use of the ARIA attributes for screenreaders.
Within CSS, the focus of work had moved on from support for disabled users (which is now quite comprehensive) to developing typographical tools for website development, including the addition of a new @rule, @font-face
containing the name of a font family and a URL pointing to the location of the relevant fonts. He has updated the relevant documents on his website.
John should have been at an openSUSE conference in Dublin in March to talk about CSS containers but this has now become a virtual conference to be held on the 1–2 May using some new virtual conference software. So he should be able to report on that next month.
David then began to set up his 3D printer, first of all calibrating it and then donning all the HAZMAT gear he had to create his first object using the test design provided with the printer.
It was 16% complete by 11 pm when the meeting broke up and looks like this the right way up (thanks to David for the photos of the finished object).