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August 13 2019 Magic-Wormhole, Yandex Disk, vole.wtf quiz, backups and ssltest Meet

Posted on August 14, 2019
( 2 minute read )

Brian had hoped to demonstrate Magic-Wormhole which allows command line communication between two computers where the sender enters:

wormhole send <filename>

which generates a code which the receiver can use when prompted by

wormhole receive

to receive the file. However, Internet access was down.

So instead he demonstrated mounting a Yandex Disk:

  1. create a folder, for example, /media/yandex, with 755 permissions
  2. install davfs2
  3. obtain the host address, username and password from Yandex
  4. create /etc/davfs2/secrets containing a single line containing the host address, username and password
  5. chmod 600 /etc/davfs2/secrets
  6. chown root:root /etc/davfs/secrets
  7. add to /etc/fstab
    https://webdav.yandex.com /media/yandex davfs noauto,user 0 0
  8. add to /etc/rc.local
    mount /media/yandex
    exit 0

    David queried the exit 0 as this can terminate the entire boot.

  9. reboot.

David shared the Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer Quiz.

Bernard shared how he creates backups with an executable shell script:

# backup.sh
# shell script to dump and encrypt the database to a backup file
# using pg_dump to dump, then gzip to compress and ccrypt to encrypt
# as postgres run this with crontab
# crontab -u postgres -e
# 30 13 * * 6 /bin/bash /opt/dbmaintenance/backup.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
# ie 1:30 afternoon every saturday
keypassphrase="set passphrase here"
export keypassphrase
pg_dump -o astrodb | gzip | ccrypt -e -E keypassphrase > "$file"
# To decrypt manually use ccrypt -d from the command line
# you will be prompted for the keypassphrase, # followed by gzip -d
# or use a similar shell file to this, setting the passphrase
# into environment keypassphrase, followed by:
# cat "$file" | ccrypt -d -E keypassphrase | gzip -d > "/opt/dbmaintenance/backup.sql"

Set the passphrase and the file to which to export. The passphrase is exported as an environment variable which is deleted immediately after the script is run.

Brian was pleased to report that he had got a top score when checking his server with SSL Server Test.

Darren demonstrated KDE Plasma 5 running in Slackware.