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Pros and cons of FOSS

Posted by John R Hudson ( 5 minute read )
Pros: No need for virus software It is more difficult to write viruses and easier to spot them with FOSS. However, most malware now comes through web browsers; so the main advantage is not having to wait for virus software to do its thing.

July 25th 2012: Commandline and Ada

Posted by John R Hudson ( 1 minute read )
The first instalment of David's introdution to the command line and the latest adventures with Raspberry-Pi followed by a look at Ada Lovelace's contribution to computing are among items on the agenda.


Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 3 minute read )
I spend a lot of time helping people get their information onto the web, and Wordpress is a great tool for doing just that.

June 27th 2012: Windows 8

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
Richard gave us a guided tour of a pre-release version of Windows 8. There was a lot to be said about what Microsoft is trying to achieve, and how that relates to the rest of the IT world, devices and operating systems. Mike gave us a culture quiz - to help keep us all well rounded human beings, as well as geeks! Well done to Andy for winning and taking the prizes, and thanks to Mike for organising. Dave S suggested a monthly set of short 'How the Command Line can be your friend' talks, which everyone seemed to welcome.

May 30th 2012: Pi anyone?

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
Nigel demonstrated Raspberry Pi running a variety of programs. John demonstrated LXDE and Parted Magic and Brian demonstrated Cinnamon. Thanks to Nigel for letting people play with/explore/use his new toy/gadget/computer.

April 25th 2012: Show and Tell

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
This month we had a general show and tell session. John showed us how to convert a bitmap to a vector, Dave S showed us around XFCE and some crazy patents, Darren showed us KDE, Nigel demoed Linux Mint, and Dave C showed his Ubuntu 10.04 desktop. We also had an interesting presentation on Maser (Microwave Laser) from Brian.

March 28th 2012: Go search

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
Graham introduced Munzee, a 21st century scavenger hunt; it is similar to geocaching except that one uses a QR code; placing Munzees can overlap with Geocache as long as you get the geocacher's permission. Munzee can be played individually or in a group. It requires an Android or iPhone with 3G reception. Graham has planted 22 Bradford Monopoly Munzees if you fancy finding them! David C demonstrated how he had...

Five favourites - Alice Kaerast

Posted by Alice K ( 3 minute read )
I’m an open source/free software developer who strongly believes in sharing as much of my code and data as possible.

February 29th 2012

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
On the day the Rapberry Pi people made a big announcement, BradLUGers met up to discuss: Media servers,cheap android tablets, the Raspberry Pi, Scratch, Big Buck Bunny, WPA security, the Epson hx-20, and much, much, more.

February 29th 2012: SqueezePlayer, BubbleUPnP, Raspberry Pi, Scratch and WPS

Posted by John R Hudson ( 1 minute read )

Brian demonstrated SqueezePlayer, the Logitech version and BubbleUPnP running on a mobile ’phone to play/control a media centre.