We normally meet every second Tuesday of the month for talks and demonstrations from 7:00pm onwards at BCB Radio in February, May, August and November and online in other months.
Why not come along to a meeting?
Until the start of the pandemic in 2020, some of us used to create IT Stuff for BCB Radio (106.6 FM). Shi has looked back on this for us.
A major headache for organisations that use Windows Active Directory but want to use certain non-Windows devices on their networks has been the limitations on integrating those devices into Active Directory. The arrival of Samba 4 removes these problems. However, getting here has been a long haul.
Shi and Kriss demonstrated the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset with a number of brave souls taking up the challenge; their recording of the session is at copy.com.
We had a general discussion around installing UEFI secure boot and then looked at a couple of April Fool RFCs: RFC 1149 and RFC 1925.
We had an impromptu Show and Tell this month. Alice explained how the classical approach to scaling websites was no longer appropriate for websites serving many pages. The time taken to generate material from a database, render it and despatch it was typically 6-800ms. You could reduce the load where many of the requests were for the same data by adding a cache or squid proxy. But this could create further problems keeping the cache or proxy up-to-date.
The Raspberry Pi was the unexpected success story of 2012. Designed by a team led by Eben Upton, who as a tutor at Cambridge had become concerned about the poor computing skills of university applicants, and including David Braben, a veteran computer game designer, this credit card sized computer aims to put the fun back into computing.
With mobile becoming more and more important in internet-based outreach, it's good to think about your mobile web strategy. You are recommended to build websites capable of display on desktop, tablet and mobile devices; we call this responsive design, a design which responds to the size and capabilities of the screen being used.
Mailing List
The mailing list is kept up to date with all the details about the meetings, socials, ideas, and questions.
BradLUG at mailman.lug.org