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February 17th 2014 Desktop, NSA (again), BCB, AWK and Haiku

Posted by John R Hudson ( 3 minute read )

Brian used recordMyDesktop to demonstrate his Gnome desktop with the Cairo Dock desktop interface, BitTorrent sync syncing all his devices, Gigolo, a GUI for remote servers, to demonstrate how fast the Raspberry Pi is accessing a 2TB drive, and creating and applying a password in KeyPassX.

Life after XP: notes

Posted by John R Hudson ( 6 minute read )


To continue to use an old XP computer, it really needs at least 1Gb of RAM and a 20Gb hard drive. Linux doesn't need 1Gb; it can happily run in less than half that but, for Internet browsing, 1Gb is the recommended minimum if you want to avoid some websites slowing your machine to a crawl.

January 20th 2014 Tor, TrueCrypt, BGP and gaming

Posted by John R Hudson ( 3 minute read )

Alice demonstrated how to download Tor; it is better to download it directly into your own user rather than from repos because the direct download gives you everything you need and is likely to be more up-to-date than the versions in repos. The download comes with a start-tor-browser script to run. The Vidalia graphical controller is included in the package and acts as a control panel.

IT Stuff: 16th January 2014 - Angry Birds

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
Broadcast on: 16th January 2014 18:00 and 17th January 2014 13:30 BCB 106.6FM Tune in to hear us twitter on about:
  • The NHS sharing of your personal data and how to opt out
  • How Google are 'helping' you reach more people than you know
  • The Government's cyberstreetwise initiative
  • The gagging, erm we mean lobbying bill
...and the speaking computer failing to maintain control or order on the show

December 16th 2013 Answers to the Quiz

Posted by John R Hudson ( 1 minute read )

Here are the answers to the quiz:

Which database? MariaDB or MySQL?

Posted by John R Hudson ( 5 minute read )

The MySQL database was one of the most successful free software projects of the 1990s; it became an indispensable part of many websites as the Internet grew not least because it became cross-platform over fifteen years ago. Today it provides the storage for many content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal.

December 16th 2013 FOSS, IP, IXLeeds and much more

Posted by John R Hudson ( 4 minute read )
Without a programme for the evening but with plenty of cakes, we started with some questions from Will about MS Office.

IT Stuff: 21st November 2013

Posted by Dave Carpenter ( 1 minute read )
Broadcast on: 21st November 2013 18:00 and 22nd November 2013 13:30 BCB 106.6FM The show includes:
  • Console Wars - discussion about the PS4, XBone, and Steam OS
  • Passwords - big companies have been hacked again and passwords exposed. What do the IT Stuff presenters think about all this password nonesense?
  • News, including, YouTube, selfies, quantum computing, and does your laptop smell of cat wee - it may not be your cat's fault.
If you have any feedback, we'd love to hear it.

November 18th 2013 logstash, money and SlackBuilds

Posted by John R Hudson ( 2 minute read )

Alice introduced logstash, a tool for managing logs, parsing them and storing the results for later use, in their case to produce graphs using graphite; logstash has good documentation. In response to a question, she also mentioned using splunk to find errors in logs.

Life after XP

Posted by John R Hudson ( 7 minute read )

After twelve and a half years, most of them as the most popular operating system in the world, Microsoft will be pulling the plug on Windows XP on 8 April 2014. There will be no more security updates, leaving those users who choose to connect to the Internet vulnerable. Though anti-virus programs will continue to work, they will not protect users from any security holes that cybercriminals discover and which Microsoft will no longer close through their monthly security updates.